Diego Milano

  • Dr.
  • Diego Milano
  • Former Member

Current affiliation:

Credit Suisse Infrastructure Architecture and Strategy Group, Zürich.



Diego Milano owns a Ph.D. in Computer Science, earned in 2007 at the Department of Informatics and Systems Science of the University of Rome "La Sapienza", under the advisory of prof. Tiziana Catarci. His Ph.D. thesis titled "Structure-Aware XML Object Identification" focused on a methodology and algorithmic solutions to the problem of Object Identification for XML data. During his studies as a doctoral candidate at the Data and Knowledge Bases Group of the Department of Informatics and Systems Science of the University of Rome "La Sapienza", his research activities were also focused on the more general problem of Data Cleaning for semistructured and structured data and Data Quality. Between 2004 and 2005 he has spent some months at the Databases Group of the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, were he performed research on formal models for the annotation of relational data. As a post-doctoral researcher in the DBIS group he is currently managing the technical activities of the group in the the EU IST-FP7 project D4science, and performing research related to his former interests and to SoA middleware supporting Digital Libraries.



2011 Spring Semester
2010 Fall Semester
2010 Spring Semester
2009 Fall Semester
2009 Spring Semester
2008 Fall Semester
2008 Spring Semester

Advised Theses
