DelosDLMS – a Next-generation Digital Library Management System

Gert Brettlecker, Paola Ranaldi, Heiko Schuldt
In Proceedings
Appears in
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Visual and Multimedia Digital Libraries
Modena, Italy
DelosDLMS is a prototype of a next-generation Digital Library (DL) management system. Its core is a highly scalable and reliable middleware environment (OSIRIS) that allows combining and invoking distributed DL services. In addition to the ISIS Digital Library services that support content-based retrieval in multimedia collections, DelosDLMS has integrated a rich set of DL functionality from various partners within the DELOS network of excellence. These services include text and audio-visual searching, new information visualization and relevance feedback tools, and novel interfaces. Moreover, DelosDLM, allows retrieved information to be annotated and processed and also integrates reliable processing of sensor data streams.